Tomorrow, I will complete my collection of Major League Baseball authentic baseball caps. With five hats outstanding, I located the remaining caps on the online store,, and will purchase them on Thursday. While this is a momentous occasion, I do feel saddened that a wonderful journey is coming to an end.
When I bought the first of many hats, which is my Kansas City Royals authentic regular cap, I never thought I would require at least fifty hats. Some of which look the same, save for the logo on the front of the cap. I would keep the handful of hats out of the sun and keep them inside an unused shoebox. However, as the collection grew, the size of the shoebox became an issue until the hats were too big for the box. Today, if you line up all my hats, they line up on top of all eighty-eight keys of the family piano we keep in the living room, another five hats would put a few hats over the side, and onto the floor!
I collect collections: Books, clothes, track jackets, video game consoles, board games and card games, baseball cards, baseball trading cards for card games, football cards for stupid football trading card games, hockey cards, Dot Hack TCG, X-Men The Movie TCG, and even Marvel Overpower (before the Intellect ability messed everything up). Each collection reminds me of everything from the places I bought those things from and the people, but they also remind me of the person who bought those things. I changed a lot since I last drove to Toronto to find a hidden, upstairs card shop to find baseball cards, while Momzo and Dad spent the next twelve hours driving to New York City. I remember the Pit Card Game no one in our church touched for years until I read the rules, taught the other kids how to play, and raised such a raucous during a Congregational Meeting that the card game disappeared next week (or burned). More impressively, the day I found the elusive Barry Bonds foil card for MLB Showdown 2003, and ran around the house screaming that "I was the Wiz, and no one would ever beat me". Those were good times, but alas...
Most of my hats come from one place in Mississauga's biggest shopping center: Square One Mall. One store, in particular, is responsible for at least 65% of the hats I have now, but once I buy those five I will not need to go shopping for hats anymore. Sure, when I started collecting seriously last year my hats were mostly size 7 5/8, but as time progressed and fashion sense enlightened 7 3/4 became a more suitable choice (air conditioning feature a bonus). I still have 5/8 hats in my collection, and I will need to replace them with 3/4 hats soon; as for collecting, that part of my life will conclude, and I will have to say goodbye to guys such as Steve, Xavier, and Justin who helped make the collection possible.
Wait a minute, according to, when the Florida Marlins move into their new stadium they will become the Miami Marlins.
Tomorrow we BUY!
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