
Showing posts with label disappointment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disappointment. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Losing Hits Like A Ton Of Bricks

Take that feeling, and multiply it by ONE MILLION.
That's how I feel.
I'm sitting in front of the computer soaking wet, knee torched, and without answers for the simplest of questions.

I don't know what to do.

Every so often, you have one of those weeks when you can't hit or field or play in the right spot. Well, my week was this week.

I had a period when everything clicked, which was the first two weeks, actually. I hit with power, had a home run in my first at-bat, triples, doubles, singles stretched into doubles, infield singles, RBIs, easy catches, diving catches, you name it. This was going to be my best season...EVER.


I don't know what to do. I don't know where it went.

It's a saying he acquired from his football days at Harvard University, but actor Tommy Lee Jones said, "It takes eleven players to make one mistake". When you have the game on your bat, or in your glove, you must deliver, and if you can't do it, then what are you doing?

Side note: I just remembered I didn't shower yet o_O Post-game tradition, win or lose.

The disappointment of defeat should, because it SHOULD, last one day and a half. Any longer, and nothing will stop it before it destroys you. I saw it happen too many times in my life, and while I don't want to trivialize it to sound as though I'm an expert, it almost happened to me. You have too many people depending on you to say or do something to bring them back up. Keep your chin up, because the will to win and exceed your limits is within you. It's a brand new ball game, and you are at the plate.

As you can tell, the past couple of weeks playing in three leagues is beginning to take its toll. I play in four games next week, all on consecutive days: Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I don't know how that works, but it works. o_O Hopefully, I can figure something out by then, and build off of that. I just need something to read or write in case I feel this way again. Thanks for reading ^_^